Holy Baptism
A Baptism is a time for great celebration and rejoicing, a time for families and friends to get together and to give thanks for the gift of new life.
Please call the church office to schedule the baptism and to speak with the pastor – 630-879-3444.
Please complete the Baptism Application (alternately, you can call the church office if you would rather have it e-mailed to you). We will need this information for certificates, bulletins, and our church records.
When are Baptisms performed?
Baptisms are typically performed on Sundays during the worship service. Since the child is becoming a member of the Christian Church and also of the congregation, it is an event to be celebrated by the entire church community. The congregation undertakes certain responsibilities regarding the nurture and Christian upbringing of the child or adult.
Must we be members of the congregation?
Since baptism most often involves the parent’s acceptance of the responsibility for the Christian nurture of a child, at least one parent should be a member of the congregation. Please discuss any exceptions with the pastor.
What about Sponsors?
Sponsors or “God Parents” are optional since the parent is always the chief sponsor. Sponsors should be “confirmed members” of a Christian congregation and preferably Lutheran. They can be family members or friends. Sponsors can play a significant role later in the child’s life by participating at the time of the child’s First Communion, Bible Presentation, and Confirmation. Adults being baptized do not need sponsors.
What about in an emergency?
When there is an imminent fear of death, baptisms can be performed in the hospital or at home. The pastor considers this a very high priority and will come as quickly as humanly possible to perform such a baptism. However, any other Christian can baptize under these extreme conditions. Re-Baptism is not practiced after such emergency baptisms, nor if a person has previously been baptized in another Christian congregation. However, a Baptismal Affirmation Ceremony can be done in church to commemorate the Baptism and celebrate it in a public way with family and friends.
What is Baptismal counseling?
The pastor will request to meet with you, in your home or at church, to talk with you about baptism and its meaning. This is also an excellent time to have your specific questions answered.
How old should a child be?
Many infants are baptized between two- and six-weeks after birth, or at the first opportunity for sponsors, family and friends to be present. It is possible to have “proxy sponsors” stand in at the Baptismal Service.What about Sunday School and Christian Education?Until the age of three, the Christian education of your child takes place primarily in the home. “Sermonettes” for children are presented each Sunday during the worship services. At three-years of age, they can begin attending our Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. At the beginning of the third-grade year, they will be given a Bible as a gift from the congregation, also during third-grade they will have the opportunity to take their First Communion instruction. Confirmation instruction takes place during the sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade years. Such instruction is an integral part of a young person’s growth in the Christian faith, and we consider it the parents’ responsibility to make these opportunities available to their children.
What about photographs and videos?
The sacrament of Holy Baptism is an important part of our worship experience. Use of photography, either with or without flash, and the use of video can be very disruptive to the worship service. We ask that all photographs be taken after the service. Videos need not be made since we can provide that for you. Our services are live streamed on our Website and You Tube channel.
Baptism Application
Please complete the form below.