Children & Youth

Youth Programs, Events, and Activities

Sunday School

Grades Pre K through 5th grade are invited to join us on Sundays. The Sunday School program runs from September through May, 10:30 am – 11:15 am. Parents may bring their children to the 2nd floor of the main church building by 10:30 am

Please register by clicking on the button below and filling out the form.


Our confirmation Ministry Program is an educational and pastoral ministry designed to assist baptized persons to grow in their understandings of our own Christian faith, their role as a child and servant of God, and the life and mission of the Christian community as practiced in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). From understandings grow the commitment to a Christian life and a desire to confess his/her faith and affirm his/her baptismal vows. Included in the Confirmation Program are opportunities to participate in worship services, catechetical classes, retreats, confirmation camp, service projects, as well as general congregational ministry and life.

Confirmation classes are held beginning in September through May on Wednesday, 6 – 6:45 pm, in the Chapel.

Call the office for more information 630-879-3444 or e-mail us.

Youth Group

This group comes together throughout the year for Bible studies, service projects, and fun activities! We also attend overnight retreats, summer camp, and serve a community through a Mission Trip each summer.
High School Youth Group meets weekly.

Middle School Youth attend Confirmation classes weekly, and join Youth Group for fun events and service projects.


An acolyte is a youth that serves the congregation during the worship service. At Bethany, the 6th – 8th graders typically serve as acolytes. Your ministry helps our worship go smoothly and the entire church appreciates your service. The acolyte has specific duties during the service: lighting candles, participating in the processional and recessional, receiving the offering, assisting with Communion, and extinguishing candles. An acolyte is a believer, follower, leader, helper and an overall assistant to the pastor. Thank you for your help ! This is an important job!

​Congregational Service

Our youth are encouraged to participate in the life of the congregation as:

  • Worship participants i.e. acolytes, lectors, ushers, greeters, nursery staff assistants, Sunday School helpers
  • Stewards of their time, talents, and treasures
  • Committee members, especially our Youth Committee
  • Summer Vacation Bible School helpers

​Fellowship Events

Planned social activities are aimed at encouraging interaction among Lutheran youth at Bethany. But we also want to encourage and schedule opportunities to interact with youth from the other ELCA congregations in the area as well as other Christian youth. Included are occasional events and retreats. Youth are always encouraged to invite friends to join them at any of the activities.

Social Ministry

Activities are planned to provide our youth with opportunities to become involved in community-wide programs that focus on caring for others, as well as in the “in church” programs and activities at Bethany. Examples of activities we have done include participation in ELCA Good Gifts, Food Drives, Hesed House, Community Supper, Rake and Run, Car Washes and more!
